
Tokens automatically implements into BossShopPro in three ways, as Points, as Rewards, and as a PriceType. For each implementation you can simply put tokensas the value. To see an example shop click here, or you can find the usage for each type below.


Rewards in BSP is what you get when you purchase something. Here is an example of a shop item that exchanges $100 currency for 1 Token.

    PriceType: money
    Price: 100
      - type:EMERALD
      - amount:1
      - name:&61 Token
      - 'lore:&cPrice: $%price%'
    Message: '&aYou''ve purchased &e%reward%&a for &e$%price%'
    InventoryLocation: 1
    ExtraPermission: ''
    RewardType: tokens
    Reward: 1

Notice how the reward type is tokens all lowercase with an 's' on the end.


PriceTypes in BSP is what you pay to purchase something. Here is an example of a shop item that exchanges 1 Token for $100 currency.

    PriceType: tokens
    Price: 1
      - type:DIAMOND
      - amount:1
      - name:&6$100 Money
      - 'lore:&cPrice: %price%'
    Message: '&aYou''ve purchased &e$%reward%&a for &e%price%'
    InventoryLocation: 2
    ExtraPermission: ''
    RewardType: MONEY
    Reward: 100

Notice how the PriceType is tokens all lowercase with an 's' on the end.

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